Site Policies

Website Accessibility Policy

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港的网站以一种形式存在,可以访问 broad range of access devices.

本网站是根据Web Content Accessibility的建议设计的 Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. ​Following these guidelines will make content accessible to 范围更广的残疾人,包括失明和弱视、耳聋 and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. Following these guidelines will also often make Web content more usable to users in general.

为了改进我们网站的可访问性,我们用屏幕测试任何主要的重新设计 readers and other tools. The results of these reviews are incorporated into the Web site. We currently use various tools for site validation, and it is our goal to achieve WCAG 2.0 Level AA conformance and compliance with the criteria established by the state (TAC 206 & TAC 213). 

More information on WCAG 2.0 standards can be found at the following sites:

如果您使用辅助技术和我们网站上任何材料的格式干扰 with your ability to access the information, please use the following point(s) of contact for assistance. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please 指出可访问性问题的性质,选择的格式 receive the material, the web address of the requested material, and your contact information.

Laurie Marcantel
Disability Services Coordinator
Voice: 409-984-6241
TDD: 409-984-6242
FAX: 409-984-6056

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港是开放的建议如何可访问性 this website can be improved. Please contact the EIR Accessibility Coordinator to offer suggestions or comments.

Susan Cook
EIR Accessibility Coordinator
Director of IT Risk, Compliance, and Project Management
Voice: 409-984-6146

 Website Linking Notice

Linking to an 正规靠谱赌博软件 Website

链接到正规靠谱赌博软件网站不需要预先许可,只要链接 does not infringe on the rights of the content owner or 正规靠谱赌博软件. 正规靠谱赌博软件 reserves the right to change the URL and content of its subpages at any time without notice.

正规靠谱赌博软件网站上的一些信息可能受到商标法和版权法的保护 and otherwise protected as intellectual property. Protected intellectual property must be used in accordance with state and federal laws and must reflect the proper ownership of the intellectual property.

正规靠谱赌博软件的商品和/或服务名称和标志受法律保护,不得使用 without the written consent. Therefore, do not capture our pages within your frames or otherwise present our content as your own.

不要在我们的页面中链接到单独的图形或表格,特别是在一个努力 to place the downloading burden on our servers. Such an action may be considered an inappropriate use of state resources.

Any link to our sites should be a full forward link that tales the client browser to our site unencumbered. The back button should return the visitor to the original site if the visitor wishes to back out.

Links to External Sites

正规靠谱赌博软件提供了与我们的使命和目标相适应的网站链接 a convenience to our site visitors.

Linking to an external website does not constitute an endorsement of the content, 的观点、准确性、意见、政策、产品、服务或可及性 site. Any mention of vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only. 如果外部网站的链接不准确,正规靠谱赌博软件保留删除链接的权利。 inactive, or inappropriate.

正规靠谱赌博软件 does not enter into reciprocal link agreements although we provide links to sites that are appropriate to our mission and goals. Our creation of a link to a site does not obligate that site’s owner to provide a link back to 正规靠谱赌博软件.

在离开正规靠谱赌博软件网站并链接到外部网站时,管理的策略 正规靠谱赌博软件网站不再适用,用户必须遵守外部网站的政策. 如果您发现错误或希望对链接网站的内容发表评论, you should contact the owner of the site.

Contact Information

如果您对本政策、本网站的做法或交易有任何疑问 with this website, you can contact us by email or by mail at:

Information Technology Services
Lamar State College Port Arthur
P.O. Box 310
Port Arthur, TX 77641

Website Privacy Policy

拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港(正规靠谱赌博软件)致力于保护您的个人隐私. We treat your privacy as we do our own.

本隐私声明披露了我们收集和发布信息的做法 for our website, The statement outlines the information we may collect, how we protect it, and how we may use that information.

1. Collection of Information

在使用我们的网页时,您不必证明自己的身份或泄露个人信息 information. We may collect general information from you that does not identify you personally. This may include data such as your IP address, the name of the web page 您从哪里进入我们的网站,您访问了我们的哪些网页以及访问的方式 long, as well as other general behavioral data. We aggregate this information to help 我们更好地关注我们的访客的需求和兴趣,并提高整体 functionality of our website.

在您使用我们的网站时,我们不会收集任何个人信息,包括您的 name, street address, email address, and telephone number, unless you provide the information to us voluntarily.

2. Cookies

当您浏览我们的网站时,我们可能会在您的计算机上以表格的形式存储一些信息 of a cookie. A "cookie" is a small file containing information that is placed on a user’s computer by a web server.

cookie允许我们定制我们的网站,以更好地匹配您的兴趣和偏好. 使用cookie不会与您的任何个人身份信息相关联 while on our site. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers 自动接受cookie,但您通常可以修改浏览器设置以拒绝 cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience all features and content of our website.

正规靠谱赌博软件 web服务器可能存储在cookie中的任何信息都用于内部目的 only. Cookie data is not used in any way that would disclose personally identifiable 除非法律要求,否则不得向外界提供信息 law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.

3. Third-Party Content

我们可能会利用第三方服务更好地为您提供信息,但同样, 永远不会收集个人身份信息或将其转移给这些公司.

4. Logs and Network Monitoring

正规靠谱赌博软件维护所有访问其站点的日志文件,并监控网络流量 for the purposes of site management. This information is used to help diagnose problems with the server and to carry out other administrative tasks. Log analysis tools are 还用于创建汇总统计信息,以确定最感兴趣的信息 对用户来说,识别系统问题区域,或帮助确定技术需求.

Information such as the following is collected in these files:

    • IP address: the IP address of the computer requesting access to the site
    • User-Agent:浏览器的类型、版本和计算机的操作系统 requesting access (e.g., IE 11 for Windows, Safari/Firefox for MacOS)
    • Referer: the web page the user came from
    • System date: the date and time on the server at the time of access
    • Full request: the exact request the user made
    • Status: the status code the server returned, e.g., fulfilled request, file not found
    • Content length: the size, in bytes, of the file sent to the user
    • Method: the request method used by the browser (e.g., post, get)
    • 通用资源标识符(URI):请求的特定资源的位置. (More commonly known as a URL.)
    • Query string of the URI: anything after a question mark in a URI. For example, if 已经请求了关键字搜索,搜索词将出现在查询字符串中.
    • Protocol: the technical protocol and version used, i.e., http 1.1, ftp, etc.

以上信息不会以任何方式泄露个人身份 除非法律要求,否则不得向外界提供信息 law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.

5. Email and Form Information

市民如向本会发送电子邮件或填写网上表格 form with a question or comment that contains personally identifying information, that information will only be used to respond to the request and analyze trends. The 留言可能会被重定向到另一个更有能力回复的人或办公室 your question. Such information is not used in any way that would reveal personally 向外界提供信息,除非法律要求这样做 with law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.

6. Links

This site contains links to other sites. 正规靠谱赌博软件 is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

7. Use and Sharing of Information

When you do provide us with personal data, we may use that information to contact you or provide you with information about a 正规靠谱赌博软件 service, event, or news.

我们不会出售、分享或以其他方式分发您的个人身份信息 to third parties, except as required by law. 正规靠谱赌博软件 is a public institution, some information 从我们的网站收集,服务器日志信息,电子邮件,和基于web的表格,可以 be subject to the Texas Public Information Act (TGC 552).

8. Your Consent to This Privacy Statement

通过使用我们的网站,您表示您同意我们当前的隐私条款 Statement as posted in this area of the web site. If you do not agree with any term in this Statement, please do not provide any personal information on this site. If 您不在本网站提供个人信息,您可能无法做到某些事情 比如访问网站的特定区域,请求特定类型的信息, or send us email.

9. Our Commitment to Security

我们保持物理,电子和程序保障措施,以防止 loss, misuse or alteration of the information under our control. Safeguards include 限制访问计算机系统、防火墙、加密和安全认证 methods. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information.

10. Changes to this Statement

我们可能会偶尔决定更改我们的隐私声明,特别是作为新功能 are added to our website. If there are changes to this statement, we will post those 更改此处,以便您始终了解我们收集的信息以及我们如何使用 it.

11. How to Contact Us

如果您对本隐私声明、本网站的惯例有任何疑问, or dealings with this website, you can contact us by email or by mail at:

Information Technology Services
Lamar State College Port Arthur
P.O. Box 310
Port Arthur, TX 77641